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Series since 2014


Self-portrait is a way of choosing the image you want to give of yourself,

to transmit a little of his illusory identity, and to play with it necessarily.

A playful and mischievous exercise, which reveals paradoxes, another trace.

   Reflet et graphismes

Trouver ce que l’on aime, ce qui motive, enthousiasme, attire, ce qui hypnotise.
Et s’y plonger sans retenue, sans limites


Autoportrait en reflet à travers la vitre d'un hall d'immeuble et les transparences de celui-ci. On y aperçoit la vitre arrière et les plantations mais également le reflet de la partie avant du hall. L'ensemble dégage une impression d'être à la fois dedans et dehors, derrière et devant.

Otopo reflection 32

2015, Dammarie-les-Lys

Dammarie-les-Lys. A building hall, rear window at the end of the hall, reflections in the front window.  

And me in the middle of the lines and details.

A bit by chance it seems.

Otopo reflection 51

2015, Melun

A silhouette in the distance, a portrait as close as possible, and an exit door in between. Two worlds it looks like, two scales one inside the other, going from one to the other, that's all me ....

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Otopo reflection 24

2015, Melun

Right in the axis, camped on my two legs, meticulously seeing yourself in double is a necessary and unavoidable aspiration, as far as I am concerned


2016, Melun

The cracks can be fascinating, sometimes beautiful depending on what you see through. Yet here, if we see beyond, it may just be a game of graphics.

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Jeannette_myriam eyann.jpg


2014, Sens

A memory.

See the text Blue hours soon online on the A3L blog

Daily window

2014, Bagneaux sur Loing

A daily exercise, no doubt, looking for the mirror, transparency, reflection, recognizing yourself before asking others to do it .....

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   Portraits Echelle

Se mesurer au monde, trouver sa place, c’est le plus souvent une question d’échelle

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Echelle nature

2020, Saint Julien de Lampon

Changer de forme
et rêver qu'on pourrait se mesurer
à la grandeur de la nature,
de la création,
du merveilleux

Urban scale

2020, Paris

Being part of the decor, changing scales and values, what would that be like, for real?


    Au-delà du reflet

Se reconnaître c'est toute une histoire... qu'il faut oser se raconter

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