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JDI 1: Night of Cartoons

JDI 1 : Thursday is Play, Relaxation and Inspiration, a moment of visual and auditory exploration!

There is this untranslatable pun between Jeudi (Thursday) and Jedi in French... I may nammed this PRaI, for pray... non, no.... The energy of the Jedi! May the force be with you....

Today we are going to the Cartoons planet.

Why? Well because of a recent insomnia where I revisited with delight my classics!

Let's explore this Night of Cartoons !

Huh what, but we are not kids!

No, but you are a creative and it would be a shame if you missed the treasure in which I am taking you this Thursday!

We said Thursday no blah blah (well not too much). At a pinch if that tempts you, we do a quick debrief at the end of the post. Come on, let's go, look at this to start and we'll meet up right after.

(video duration 6.39 min)

So, eh! it changes from dysn ... isn't it! Careful I love Walt but sometimes we want small dishes simmered differently.

Come on, let's continue, are you still with me ? So GO! (video duration 7.46min)

A treat isn't it?

You are now all set for the cartoon musical, Popeye!

The old Popeye episodes are long (about 17min) and can be listened to as much as they are watched.

I highly recommend you a headset or headphones, and you're in luck because you will surely understand better than me, even if it's ok I get it almost the all, but I'm losing some jokes and puns! bouhhhh!

But the original Popeye voice, I didn't want to miss that !! Olive's voice either!

(Video duration 17.25 min)

There are a slew of different episodes and eras in popeyomania.

I have a thing for the 30s and 40s.

Come on now that we're hot, let's get down to business!

Since we are deprived of performances, let's go to the theater! (hey yes, in France as I speak to you, cinemas, theater, everything is closed.)

(video duration 6.35)

That sums up part of my cartoon night (there have been others, I would switch to the contemporary period in another JDI!)

So that is your debrief?

Ah yes the debrief! Well you will agree with me, it's an incredible explosion of talents, which combines in addition to animations and drawing in itself, simple scenarios and gags of great finesse, quality music, singers, voices ... In short, particularly accomplished, rich and endearing works.

Listening to the soundtrack of some of these cartoons, I couldn't help but imagine the fellows recording, the atmosphere of the studio, in a time where the cartoon was emerging. The commitment of these artists in their creations is a true model of the genre!

Many of these creations are associated with other artists, in particular musicians, see the Betty Boop series which features the orchestra of Louis Armstrong or Cab Calloway (among others!).

All this doesn't make you want to create in your turn ?

As far as I'm concerned, it's a furious desire to get back to work and swallow mountains that took me after improvising this cartoon night!

But tell me, if you have any other references from the 1930s to 1950s period that you would like to share, don't hesitate to leave a comment, we have to share the good things, especially right now, right?

See you again Thursday April 29 for the post JDI 2

With that, Tchao, and take care of yourself

To watch other episodes of Popeye

Betty Boop

I'll be glad when you're dead, with Louis Armstrong orchestra


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The essential of the creative

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Thursday is Play, Relaxation and Inspiration, the energy of the Jedi!  


JDI1 Cartoon Night

JDI2 Before, now and after!

JDI3 Day starter kit

JDI4 May the force be with you

My Traces at the Loing

The tribulations of a plastic artist

The Tuesday soap opera

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